Additional Features
Field Service & Maintenance
Service Industry
The Service Industry Module provides the ability to manage services provides to customers. A range of services (Charge Codes) can be configured for services provided by employees (Operators) only or for the Operator and Plant (Wet Hire). Charge Codes can be set up to be prepaid if required.
The Service Industry module uses the Assets Module (can be an Asset or Equipment) as the source of eligible equipment available in the Service Industry module (Plant) using a flag for each asset record.
Other Features include Service Call Planning, Service Dockets and Prepaid Service Tracking.
The Plant Maintenance Module provides the ability to maintain records of customer plant and equipment for which you provide maintenance services.
The services provided may be periodic with the capability of generating recommended work to be carried out or as required with the system leveraging standard pricing and costing already recorded in other BusinessCraft modules or contract specific pricing defined within the Plant Maintenance module.
Provision is made for plant specific contact details, work instructions, safety instructions, action codes and maintenance strategy codes.
There are a range of miscellaneous supporting modules including Users, Keywords, Postcodes, Extra Information, Contacts, Standard Phrases, Tasks and Reminders, SQL Statements, Document Register and Electronic Data Interchange.
Security Setup
BusinessCraft contains a comprehensive user security system based on a User Name and Password. User Groups are used to make the create of an individual user’s security as easy to create or review as possible. Special security requirements are handled by access data levels.
Optional Modules
The Timesheets module is an optional module providing the option for employees to create, update and, where authorised, approve timesheets instead of sending timesheets to a Payroll Department for processing.
If the Timesheets module is integrated to Payroll, when timesheets are approved, they will become visible in the Payroll and where applicable Job Costing Modules. Further processing can be carried out for the timesheets in the Payroll Module.
If the Timesheets module is integrated to Job costing only, a transfer to Job Costing option is available in the Timesheets module which will transfer approved timesheets to the Job Costing module for timesheet lines that have job details recorded
Equipment Hire
The Equipment Hire module provides an integrated solution for Scheduling, Tracking and invoicing equipment dry hired out to customers and provides the following key features:
- Equipment Register
- Equipment Bookings
- Hire Agreements
- Schedule Display
- Hire Invoicing
- Hire Reporting
- Equipment Availability
- Optional User Defined Equipment Meter Readings
BC Online
Sales Leads Portal
The BusinessCraft Sales Portal is a web based version of specific BusinessCraft functions providing the ability to create and maintain Customers, Customer Contacts and Contracts in the early stages of a contract enquiry.
The BusinessCraft Sales Portal provides the following functions:
- Customer, Customer Contact and Lead (Contract) details can be created and edited.
- Sales Estimates can be created, edited and printed for Leads.
- Job information can be recorded for the Lead.
- Document records comprising file notes with or without attachments can be linked to the Lead (Contract).
- Events can be defined and registered for the Lead (Contract) with required dependencies.
- User defined Display Centre statistics such as weather, traffic etc. can be recorded and reviewed.
- Standard reports can be generated.
Contracts Portal
The Contracts Portal is a web based version of specific BusinessCraft functions currently providing the ability to create and maintain Customers, Customer Contacts, Leads and Contracts including Events, Estimates, Documents, Job Information, Display Centre Statistics and Variation functionality.
Where BusinessCraft is used for functions beyond Contract Management, it is good practice that the Contracts Portal uses a separate BusinessCraft dataset (often referred to as the Contracts Database) for the records created so that the data is segregated from the primary BusinessCraft dataset.
The Lead Conversion Process in the target BusinessCraft Live dataset can be used to access the Customer, Customer Contact and Contract from the Contracts Database (the source) and create those records in the BusinessCraft Live dataset cross referencing the Contract records in both datasets.
The Contracts Portal currently provides the following functions:
- Customer, Customer Contact and Lead (Contract) details can be created and edited.
- Sales Estimates can be created, edited and printed for Leads and Contracts.
- Job information can be recorded for Leads and Contracts.
- Document records comprising file notes with or without attachments can be linked to Leads and Contracts.
- Events can be defined and registered for Leads and Contracts with required dependencies.
- User defined Display Centre statistics such as weather, traffic etc. can be recorded and reviewed.
- Reports can be created and generated.
- Charts can be created and generated.
- A user customisable Desktop is provided for key information and charts.
- Dashboards can be created for additional key information and charts.
BusinessCraft Service
The BusinessCraft Service is a product supplied as part of the overall BusinessCraft product solution and is a windows service that runs in the background to automate processes that include:
- Automated emailing of system documents (e.g. Purchase Orders, Invoices, Payslips etc.)
- Automated SMS
- Scheduled Reports
- Scheduled Routines
- File Management Options
- Automated Document Register record creation
- SQL Replication
- Leads Import from Web to Sugar
- Sugar Connector